So you’re ready to get your feet wet in the world of copywriting, but you just need one important thing…
Copywriting clients!
Maybe you’re starting from scratch or maybe you’re just looking to add on a few more projects so that you can increase your income and really do this writing for a living thing!
If you haven’t realized by now, there’s so much that goes into starting your own copywriting business. “How to find copywriting clients with no experience?” is the real question I often get asked…and it’s actually the most intimidating part for a lot of people.
Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it seems. I want to share with you a few tips and methods that will help you land some clients so that you can grow your copywriting business fast.
Have a Strategy
First things first, you need to have a relatively clear idea of who you want to work with. When you are first starting out, you will be casting a larger net, but it’s still helpful to be reaching out to one particular industry or to try to land clients within your niche.
This will get more specific over time, but having just a little bit of strategy in the beginning can help you find work and build a portfolio that is relevant.
Keep in mind that every type of business needs writing. Some of them may not even know it yet, which means you could offer your services in a way that helps businesses see where they need copywriting for their business.
However, in my experience, it’s usually better to work with clients that already understand the value that you are providing them with your writing. They’ll also be willing to pay you a little more, since they know that having a good copywriter is an investment. The decision is ultimately yours on what kind of clients you would like to work with.
In the beginning, it takes a little more work on your end, but as you get more clear on your ideal client, start marketing yourself to them, and build out your website and portfolio, you will start attracting clients to you effortlessly.
Until that day comes, here are a few more things that you can do to get some work.
Cold Outreach
Cue the horror movie music.
For whatever reason, many people are completely terrified of cold outreach. The good news is, it’s not the only way to get clients but it’s definitely a tried and true method that is worth doing.
If you want to know how to get copywriting clients, I always say to cold outreach first! Cold outreach means, reaching out to someone without prior contact. To ramp up your copywriting business, you’ll probably do this through email, and it means you’ll be reaching out to people that don’t know who you are.
You can find potential clients through Google and social media. Hunter is a website that can help you find the right email addresses for businesses that don’t have one posted online.
I suggest sending out around 30-40 emails a day. You can definitely use a template but be sure to personalize it a little by mentioning something specific about the business you are reaching out to.
It’s important to be intentional with your message and present a strong case for why the person you’re reaching out to should hire you. Briefly, explain who you are and what you do and how your services can add value to the business.
A lot of people won’t respond. Don’t let that discourage you! It is possible to get work this way; in fact, many copywriters get all of their business through cold outreach. It’s definitely a good thing to get comfortable doing.
Networking is another good, old fashioned way to grow your business. Networking as a copywriter is crucial.
You can start by reaching out to your current network and letting them know what you’re up to. Tell friends and family all about your newest venture and offer your services to any local business owners. Ask around for work as much as possible.
Get familiar with your “elevator pitch” and be able to speak confidently when someone asks you what you do. You may be surprised at what the connections you already have could lead to.
Networking is extremely valuable for getting your name out there and finding clients. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunity and be willing to sell yourself when you have the chance to do so.
Find Copywriting Clients on Social Media
Online engagement falls under a similar category as networking, and it’s basically the same idea! The internet is a great place to create meaningful relationships with people and those connections could turn into paying clients.
Showing up online is a fantastic way to find work. You don’t have to be everywhere when you are just starting out. It can be helpful to pick a platform that you really like or one that comes more naturally to you and go all out there.
I have had good luck with Instagram for engaging and building a following. Others might swear by Pinterest or LinkedIn. No matter your preference, it’s definitely important to start building your online presence and to show up consistently.
This means interacting with similar accounts and with the accounts of your ideal clients. Like, save, comment, etc. Make your own account memorable and genuine, post often, and provide valuable content. Online engagement is often a long game, so stick with it.
You will make a lot of connections online and even though people may not need your services right now, they will definitely keep you in mind in the future or pass your info along to their friends.
Just like with more traditional networking, you never know what the connections you make could turn into. As a copywriter, having a strong online presence is a must.
Job Boards for Copywriters
I always recommend starting with blogs as a new copywriter, and job boards are usually a great place to find businesses that need that type of content. It can be a good way to build your portfolio and get a feel for what it’s like to work with clients.
I’ve had success with boards like Problogger and Upwork. There are also job boards for copywriters on sites like Reddit and Facebook.
Keep in mind that job boards are infamous for hosting clients that want high quality work for pennies on the dollar. It can take time to comb through all the listings to find something that’s worth your time, but those jobs are out there.
And remember, that as you grow as a copywriter, you’ll be able to charge more for your work. Job boards are a pretty good starting point.
There are some good opportunities to be found on these types of sites if you are willing to do a little digging! Just don’t let this be the only place you find clients, and always value your time, even if you are brand new to copywriting.
Your Copywriting Clients Are Out There
Don’t let yourself be too intimidated by finding copywriting clients. Stay positive as you look for clients and remind yourself that there is plenty of work to go around.
It can definitely be a little scary at first, but you are offering a valuable service as a copywriter- one that every business needs. Remember your value and learn how to communicate it effectively.
When you are just starting out, taking a copywriting course can be a great way to learn more about these methods and gain valuable knowledge on how to find clients.
You won’t always have to worry as much about building this part of your copywriting business. The time you put in will pay off and you’ll get some really great experience. Eventually, you’ll have some solid and consistent clients and a steady stream of income.
Your clients are out there.
Are you ready to start finding them today?
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[…] to take a couple lower paying jobs in the beginning to build your portfolio and gain experience. Getting copywriting clients certainly takes determination and patience. If you join the Copywriters Academy, I give you […]